Thursday, October 16, 2008

Orcas With a Focus Problem

I was just reading an account earlier today about a number of killer whales that mysteriously beached themselves and died. When the marine biologists investigated, they found that the whales were not seeking the larger fish found in the deeper waters but were chasing after smaller fish in the shallows…minnows to be exact. They gave their lives running after something small.

I had to stop and think, “What is the real size of those things I pursue?” Sometimes the most noble-seeming idea may occupy much of my time, energy and thought, but at heart, is it something for which I am willing to spend my life?

I have a friend who says often to me, “You know what you need? New perspective.” Looking at how you spend your life will give you that much-needed, new perspective. Do you find yourself pursuing just to make your point? I’ve found too many times that I can fight and fight to make the statement I’m trying to make, and win…only to lose. I’ve seen how much time can be spent chasing one itch that turns into a full-scale flea hunt. And, probably like you, I’ve looked back on times of worry and concern and wondered, “What exactly was the worry or concern?”

Paul had perspective. He writes to the church at Corinth, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Cor. 2:2).
One thing was on his mind; he had a single-minded focus upon the task at hand. If he was going to spend his life (which, according to history, he did) on something, it would be something worthwhile.

I could do well to take a lesson…and stop chasing minnows.

Dustin C. George
Minister to Single Adults

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