Friday, April 24, 2009

Things I Like #6

Goat cheese...Yes, goat cheese. I know that it's strong. I know that it's probably an acquired taste. Silver Goat is by far the best I've tasted.

Crumble it in a sandwich of crusty bread and grilled shrimp. Or, my favorite (I know this may sound repulsive, but this is what I like...If you have really strong feelings about that, then be my guest to start a blog for things you don't like and put this at the top of the list): a sliver of goat cheese on an organic wheat cracker with a dab of blackberry preserves.

Try it before you berate me.

(This gives me an idea...I'll do a series of my favorite cheeses...stay tuned.)


Amy said...

That is not gross ... it's devine. YUM! I love any combination of cheese/preserves/bread.

Melodie Norman Haas said...

I like melted goat cheese. Try it with pita bread like you would do hummus. Yum.