Centralia is a town in Eastern Pennsylvania. In the early 1900’s millions of tons of coal were being mined in the region leaving behind an extensive web of excavated mine shafts, some more than 500 feet below the surface. In May 1962, on the outskirts of town, a garbage fire was burning in one of the old strip mine pits. This fire ignited one of the exposed coal seams which, in turn, made its way to the network of mine shafts. Over time, it spread underground until the ground began to seep smoke and fissures started to open in roadways. The grave nature of the problem emerged in 1981 as a young boy walked through the neighborhood and found the ground under him fall away into a 150-foot-deep hole. He was saved by clutching exposed tree roots until his cousin could rescue him. Though coal mine fires are common in the region, the danger of the fires being so close to the surface got the attention of the state. It was determined that a digging project to extinguish this fire would cost an estimated $660-million, and there were no solid guarantees that the attempt would work. The government began to buy the land and homes of the residents so they could relocate to safer ground. In 1981, there were 1600 people living there. Now, in 2007, there are 9.
This fire, started in 1962, has been burning now for 45 years. Currently, the fire is eating away at an stretch of an 8-mile-long coal seam that experts say will keep it burning for another 250 years.
Reminds me of bitterness…
We find in Hebrews 12 the command: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled” (vs. 14,15). We are warned to guard against a “root of bitterness” that would cause hurt to ourselves, to others, and most importantly, to our witness for Christ. Bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment…they all spread, and they all have a source. One incident, one person, or one word viewed in the wrong way can light a small fire in a little, secluded area of your life. Soon, if left unchecked, the flames of bitterness can find a way into a major seam and begin to creep slowly and methodically though all the foundational supports you depend upon, feeding the fire. Eventually, what is going on underneath makes its way to the surface, and people begin to recognize the damage. The major difference is this: you can’t just simply move away from the bitterness. No matter the cost, you must put out the blaze, lest the fire that burns against another consumes you as well.